We at Lugs are proud of our products and the exact standards that we make them to. The process always has a personal touch so get chatting to us about what it is you are looking for and we can begin designing the perfect monitors for you.


Here is the standard process we follow to create every custom product


Arrange appointment to have your Ear Impressions taken or post us your own impressions


Make Your Appointment


Post Your Impressions


All impressions are taken by qualified professionals at our premises in County L’Derry. This is a very straightforward process taking no more than 30 minutes. Completion of ear impressions by our team guarantees that they meet our high standards. Alternatively, if you have impressions already taken then please forward them to the following address here.


Choose your product


Your first decision to make is which range you would like to go for….

All of our products are 3D printed on our state of the art Asiga 3d printer using the latest Bio Compatible skin safe resins. This allows for exceptional comfort, isolation and sound quality.

Our Standard Acrylic Monitors are designed for those on a budget, those looking to get their first pair or even a spare pair of custom monitors. The budget range comes with a detachable, replaceable cable and a semi-hard case.

Our flagship Pro Acrylic Monitors are engineered with a custom designed crossover network and driver configuration ranging from triple to 10 drivers. This range comes with a detachable heavy duty 160cm cable and shock proof, waterproof hard case printed with your custom details and unique serial number.

Our popular Reshelling service involves taking the components from your current universal or custom fit monitors and placing them into one of our 3D printed custom fit shells.


Decide on the finish


We love that we can create something not only that works as an excellent product but we can create something that represents you and looks the way you want it. From your favourite colour, veneers and custom logos you can make your custom in ears really custom in ears.


Choose Extras


Finishing off your purchase with those little extras. Make sure to get the right cable length, cable colour and the case you want.